Détails de l’offre
Poste proposé
Medical Geneticist
PH temps plein; Praticien contractuel
Call for Applications for 2 Medical Geneticist Positions (PH or PC) in the Genetics Department of the CHI de Poissy-Saint Germain en Laye (CHIPS), available immediately.****Geographical Location:** 30 km west of Paris, accessible by RER A to Poissy station in about 30 minutes from Auber Opéra. The Poissy site is at the exit of the A 13 and A 14 motorways.
**Presentation of the Structure and the Team:**
The CHIPS is the first public hospital in Ile-de-France (excluding AP-HP) and the supporting establishment of the Territorial Hospital Group of North Yvelines (GHT YN). It is structured into specialized activity poles for the care of individuals at all ages of life, particularly including the Hospital-University Pole for Women-Mother-Child with a level III maternity ward (4,400 births/year) and its Multidisciplinary Prenatal Diagnosis Center (CPDPN), two Neonatology units, a Pediatrics service, a Reproductive Medicine department, and a Fetal Pathology unit.
The hospital-university service of Medical Biology at CHIPS hosts the sectors of biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, hematology, and the genetics department (biological et medical), producing an activity of approximately 60 M B/BHN per year. It is integrated into the research unit UMR1198- BREED within the UFR Simone Veil Health of the University of Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines and participates in teaching students.
The Genetics Department consists of 2 functional units (UF): the UF of Medical Genetics, providing pre- and postnatal Medical Genetics and Oncogenetics consultations, and the UF of Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics. The clinical genetics team currently includes:
- 1 PH (also authorized to validate conventional and molecular cytogenetic analyses)
- 1 PHC
- 1 associated intern (specialty in medical genetics)
- 2 genetic counselors
- 0.2 PH (oncologist) dedicated to oncogenetics consultations in partnership with the Curie Institute
It provides genetic care for patients from a large region of western Ile-de-France (Yvelines, Hauts de Seine, and Val d'Oise) and neighboring health territories (Eure, Eure-et-Loire), serving a diverse population with a rich genetic context due to varied ethnic groups. The unit conducts approximately 1,700 annual consultations, notably in the fields of fetal medicine, pediatrics, oncogenetics, and reproduction. The medical genetics unit is a Reference Center for Rare Diseases (Neuro-Developmental Disorders and Intellectual Disability AnDDI-rares), center of CLAD Île de France.
**Job Profile:**
In close collaboration with genetic counselors:
- Genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis consultations related to the CPDPN, pediatric genetics activity with the neonatology and pediatrics units, genetics activity in the context of Neuro-Developmental Disorders and Intellectual Disability (AnDDi-rares) with possible collaborations, pre-conception genetic counseling and in the context of reproductive disorders in connection with the Assisted Reproductive Technology Service and the Reproductive Biology service (CECOS), adult genetics activity.
- Development of new skills based on candidates' profiles
- Participation in Multidisciplinary Meetings: weekly CPDPN staff meetings, bi-monthly fetal pathology meetings, weekly exome meetings (in partnership with the Biomnis laboratory performing the technical part for clinico-biological discussions, development of SeqOIA inclusion RCPs, "ACPA" and clinico-biological AMP meetings based on clinical files).
**Opportunities, depending on candidates' profiles:**
- Medical responsibility of the clinical genetics team
- Possibility of a mixed position: genetics and fetal pathology
- Possibility of a hospital-university career
- Research activity within the UMR1198-BREED research unit - teaching to hospital students and midwifery students, UFR Simone Veil Health, UVSQ
- Teleconsultations, teleworking in agreement with the team, liberal activity within the framework of hospital practice.
**Required Skills:**
Physician, registered with the medical board, holding a DES in Medical Genetics or a DES in Pediatrics, specialized in genetics.
**Contract Type:**
Hospital practitioner, contractual practitioner, full-time. The status can be adapted to candidates' profiles.
**Available Positions:** 2
Dr. Denise Molina Gomes (Head of the Genetics Department, [email protected]), Dr. Thibaud Quibel (Coordinator of the CPDPN, [email protected]), and Dr. Valerie Serazin (Head of Service).
Personne à contacter
Dr. Denise Molina Gomes (Head of the Genetics Department, [email protected]), Dr. Thibaud Quibel (Coordinator of the CPDPN, [email protected]),
Dr. Valerie Serazin (Head of Service).
[email protected]
Centre hospitalier intercommunal de Poissy-Saint-Germain-en-Laye > Site hospitalier de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
20, rue Armagis (siège social)
Voir la fiche de l’établissement